Boeing 777 Worldliner Pro- Extended Pack

Boeing 777 Worldliner Pro- Extended Pack

Boeing 777 Worldliner Pro- Extended Pack

This pack includes four versions of the Boeing 777 Worldliner (yes 4!): Boeing 777-200 LR Boeing 777-200 F (Cargo) Boeing 777-300 ER Boeing 777-200 ER Note: If you simply want the 777-200 LR Professional for $59.95 , get it here The most advanced and complex simulation of an aircraft for X-Plane. Built with technical input from engineers, pilots and Boeing, this Boeing 777 is as close as you can get to the real one. Officially licensed By the Boeing © Corporation Accurate dimensions based on 2D and 3D drawings supplied by Boeing © Professional systems - Fly the 777 like a pro Systems designed to work like the thing - Accurate flight model tuned by pilots - Comprehensive Manuals Fully Functional FMS - Plan your routes like a real...