CYBD Bella Coola

CYBD Bella Coola

CYBD Bella Coola

New scenery from Beti -X, creator of well known CZST - Stewart, one of the most detailed sceneries ever created for X-Plane.   CYBD - Bella Coola goes even further and is more detailed! Be ready ready to be blown away by this new amazing airport.   You can look forward to very detailed textures, animated trees, volumetric grass, 3D people, the town of Bella Coola and Hagensborg, etc.   The whole scenery is covering an area of over 275 square kilometers. CYBD - Bella Coola is also one of the few sceneries for X-{lane with the ability to switch to the the winter version.   CYBD is located 11 km northeast of Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada. The town of Bella Coola is close to the stunning and vast Tweedsmuir Park,and set within a lush valley and between...